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Faylasof provides all Arabic books plus English books, and can deliver them to more than 80 countries around the world, in addition they have centers in 5 Arab countries (Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, UAE and Saudi Arabia)

Faylasof  also holds first place in several competitions as the best Arab startup companies.

Why Faylasof?

  • Provide a wild range of books in both languages (Arabic & English)
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  • Delivering books for over 80 countries.
  • Multi payment methods.
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Faylasof Coupons & weekly offers in Qatar

Faylasof provides all Arabic books plus English books, and can deliver them to more than 80 countries around the world, in addition they have centers in 5 Arab countries (Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, UAE and Saudi Arabia)

Faylasof  also holds first place in several competitions as the best Arab startup companies.

Why Faylasof?

  • Provide a wild range of books in both languages (Arabic & English)
  • Free delivery (Check Website).
  • Delivering books for over 80 countries.
  • Multi payment methods.
Faylasof in Qatar - coupons, promo codes plus new deals on all books (Arabic and English) with delivery to over 80 countries
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