Manifestations of excessive consumption in Ramadan

Some people estimate that the consumption rates in Ramadan are equal to what is sufficient for the rest of the year, as people begin with the approaching of the holy month to prepare the various Ramadan supplies and products such as food commodities, household appliances, Ramadan decorations and others in a way that exceeds their needs exponentially, which made them more wasteful and consuming different products that are incompatible With the behaviors of this blessed and virtuous month. Therefore, today we will review the most irresponsible forms of consumption in the month of Ramadan in order to remedy this and try to control these expenses to save them or use them in other priorities.
What are the manifestations of excessive consumption in Ramadan?
- Buying a lot of food and drink
- Prepare food in large quantities
- Preparing food for Ramadan instincts in an exaggerated way
- Exaggeration in decorating homes
- Eating out
- Not distinguishing between luxuries and necessities
- Not setting a budget or shopping list
Buying a lot of food and drink
Some studies have shown that the holy month of Ramadan is the most consuming time of the year for food and beverages in our Arab region, although it is supposed to be a month of fasting and staying away from the pleasures of life, as shoppers spend their money on buying these food products more than anything else and in excess of their need to find The trash is full of leftovers and food, and this is in fact a terrible waste and behavior that is not befitting the values and morals of Ramadan.
Prepare food in large quantities
Some families prepare more types of food than they need, even if they do not invite relatives and family, and this work is repeated on a daily basis, which will increase the quantities of food that will not be consumed and may be thrown away after a few days. In addition to the high expenses, this act contradicts the idea of fasting. Therefore, always remember that the fasting person does not need large amounts of food at the time of breaking the fast, and that preparing breakfast in a measured quantity will contribute to providing a daily variety of foods without the need to feel regret or contempt.
Preparing food for Ramadan instincts in an exaggerated way
The month of Ramadan does not delight except with the sitting of family and loved ones at the breakfast meal, but some exaggerate the way of preparing Ramadan spells and prepare meals that are sufficient for a large number, while the invitees do not even need half the table, and some of them start making different types of foods and delicious dishes in order to diversify and enrich the meal. This is a great waste that is not in line with the holy rituals of Ramadan that forbid this behavior, because in the end it will result in a waste of expenses and food products without achieving any benefit.
Exaggeration in decorating homes
It is a great pleasure to decorate your home with your family to receive the holy month of Ramadan and feel its beautiful spiritual atmosphere by adding different Ramadan decorations such as lights, posters, lanterns, etc. in rooms and throughout the house, but a lot of them will harm the eyes and make the house as a theater or an acrobatic yard in a strange and inappropriate way for this occasion. Plus, it would be a huge waste of money.
Eating out
Housewives spend long hours preparing breakfast in the month of Ramadan, and in the end one of them goes to restaurants to eat his meal, so this is considered one of the most extravagant things, because this occasion does not deprive us of enjoying our time, but with good management and money management wisely as spending it on the needy And meet the needs of your family and so on, and for this reason, it is better to eat food in your home with the family, not only to reduce expenses, but also to enjoy the charming atmosphere of Ramadan.
Not distinguishing between luxuries and necessities
When shopping for the holy month of Ramadan, you must draw a line between the basic necessities that you need to practice your daily life in the correct manner, such as food and clothing, and between the luxuries whose presence or absence does not affect anything for you, such as expensive products and a variety of forms of goods, as this will save you a lot of The expenses you spend on unnecessary supplies and reduces your consumption of resources and products that are in high demand and whose prices are rising at this time of the year.
Not setting a budget or shopping list
Some people do not realize the importance of being precise in what you want to shop in the month of Ramadan, but the fact of this matter has many repercussions on the purchase process, as it will give the shopper the ability to know what he can buy or not and what he needs or can dispense with in a way that will avoid him from distraction and wasting the budget in vain , where each person must prepare the Ramadan shopping list and arrange it according to priority. What is meant here is the necessities and then the luxuries, then estimating the adequate budget for it and being careful not to raise the ceiling of expectations or use credit cards that make the buyer do not feel the value of his purchases, which leads him to consume more.